Carpet Cleaning Services SW6

When it is Time to have Professional Carpet Cleaning in Fulham

December 30, 2022

It is possible to decide when it is the ideal time to call us at Fully Carpet Clean to have professional carpet cleaning in Fulham. If you have stains from coffee, wine, or food or there is an accumulation of dust you can ideally decide to call us. However, there are a few hidden and strong indications that your carpet is screaming to have a professional cleaning service. We will discuss three such signs which you should not neglect and call us immediately.

Carpet Cleaning Fulham

Strange odours
If you always find a strange smell when you pass by your carpet, you need to think of having professional carpet cleaning. Even if you are in Hammersmith, you can call us as we make it possible to have professional carpet cleaning in Hammersmith. The strange odour that you have from the carpet is an indication that there was some spillage which has not left a strain but made the carpet wet. If you neglect the sign, it may lead to damage to the carpet fibres and you then will not have any other option but to replace the carpet.

When something falls on the carpet and does not dry properly will lead to the development of mould. From experience we can say that carpet dirt will not smell bad; however, if there is mould development, you will notice a rancid odour. Such a presence of mould is not only harmful to the carpet but also your health.

Extreme allergic condition
If you suddenly notice that while walking around in your house or office, your throat begins to itch or your eyes start to water, you need to understand that it is a sign signalling something is not in proper condition. If you notice that your family members or office staff are coughing or sneezing when they come near a carpet, it is a more obvious sign that the problem lies with the carpet.

If you notice such health issues, you can interfere that there are allergens trapped in the carpet. There can be mites, dirt, bacteria, pollen or dander and they can be the cause of such allergies. If one suffers from such allergies, it will not be possible to concentrate on any work, be it in the office or your house. It is wise to call us as we have the expertise to clean such allergens from your carpet. After having our carpet cleaning service, you will have a healthy atmosphere inside your office or house.

Dull high-traffic zone
Office carpets have the maximum footfall. If you are the owner of a successful business, your office carpet will always have someone walking over it. It may be that such footfall may not cause foot imprints but it will accumulate enough dust and dirt inside the carpet making the carpet look dull. It is not possible for you to reduce the footfall; however, having our services you can make the carpet regain its original brilliance.

So, next time when you notice such signs do not delay but can us and expect to have the best of carpet cleaning in Fulham.

carpet cleaning Hammersmith

How Should you keep your Carpets Clean and Healthy

September 10, 2022

So you’ve got wall-to-wall carpeting in your home! You probably made quite a significant dent in your wallet when you bring it to your home. Of course, it is a considerable investment. Like any significant investment, it makes sense to care for and protect it. We should give our best effort to retain its beautiful appearance, the warm & cosy feeling that it lends to your home. So how do you achieve it? We recommend four valuable tips to improve the look & longevity of your carpets!

carpet cleaning

Regular Vacuuming
We guess you’ve got the message by now. The most important part of carpet care is to vacuum as often as possible. If not daily, it must be a minimum of once a week. Vacuuming removes the gritty particles that get carried in on the bottom of shoes. It prevents it from settling within the fibres. If you’ve ever wondered why a carpet goes flat, it’s because the dirt and grit get trodden in by foot traffic. Lack of regular vacuuming lets the dust remain deep in the carpet fibre and damages the fibres. Sometimes it may be the carpet fibre sliced or get damaged. Regular vacuuming helps remove pet hairs, sand particles, minor bugs, and skin flakes. It protects it from sinking into the bottom of your carpet. You probably weren’t aware, but your carpet acts like a filter collecting all the tiny particles that float around in the air. Regular vacuuming keeps the home ambience a little healthier.

Clean the spills immediately
Spills or accidents happen regularly, and no one can stop them! But it’s vital to clean up the spillage ASAP. Leaving the spots or stains to sit will become permanent. If you have spilled on your carpet, clean them up immediately and dry them out as soon as possible because the liquid may permeate through the carpet fibres and into the padding below. It may be difficult to remove or sometimes impossible to remove. Try to remove stains or spills using clean cold water. First, remember never to rub the stain as this will spread it. Instead, blot with a white paper towel or cloth. In the event of pet ‘accidents’, it’s best to call our carpet cleaning professionals in Hammersmith. We have the necessary chemicals and cleaning techniques to eliminate spill marks and smells.

Book a professional carpet cleaning
Many people don’t realise the importance of hiring a professional, certified, and competent carpet cleaner to give their carpet the best shape. Mould and mildew love nothing better than a warm and damp environment. Therefore, there is a reasonable risk that it will begin to grow mould. If you don’t take immediate action, it could destroy your carpet, forcing you to replace it. Additionally, carpets can draw tiny creatures like bed bugs, fleas, and dust mites. Fleas, which can spread to people, typically dwell on pets that pick them up when strolling through tall grass or other animals. Dander attracts microscopic pests like ticks, fleas, and dust mites, which, once word gets out, turn it into a food source for them and your carpets. Although routine cleaning won’t eliminate all these allergens in your carpet, it will help reduce the amount of dander. The answer is taking the service of our hot water extraction carpet cleaning in services SW6.

We use heavy-duty, powerful cleaning equipment that propels jets of water mixed with a cleaning solution into your carpet, reaching the fibres’ very base. All dirt, grime, and allergens are loosened and extracted along with the dirty water leaving your carpet fresh and clean. Our experienced technicians know the amount of water to use so that your carpet dries naturally within a few hours. If your carpet hasn’t been professionally cleaned in a while, then Carpet Cleaning Kings is here to assist. Give us a call to request a free quote or make an appointment. You’ve left it too long if you wait until your carpet looks ugly or dirty!

Re-apply carpet protector after cleaning
Many carpets these days are pre-treated with a protective coating. It resists spills & stains. However, the protective coating wears off over time due to chemicals used in cleaning or through general wear and tear. This will cause your carpet to be susceptible to permanent stains. Ask your carpet cleaner if they can apply a protective coating for you. It may cost you a bit but saves you from significant replacement and cleaning expenses.

If you need professional carpet cleaning by a reputable company that uses hot water or steam carpet cleaning, then get in touch with Fully Carpet Cleaning today. We look forward to assisting you.